Friday, January 3, 2020

Smoking Should Be Illegal - 742 Words

Xavier Jewell Mrs. King ELA 6th Hour 07 April 2017 Smoking should be Illegal Secondhand smoke is just as bad as smoking the cigarette yourself.Therefore smoking should be illegal because it causes cancer and it s highly addictive. People can die from lung cancer First,SMOKING CAN KILL† states â€Å"lung cancer is the No. 1 cancer killer in the United States for both men and women. It kills more people than breast, prostate, colon, liver, kidney and melanoma cancers combined. Lung cancer is caused by smoking. Next,â€Å"WARNING SMOKING CAN KILL YOU† claims â€Å"tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Around 400,000 people die each year from smoking, which cuts lives short on average about 13 years. And that does not†¦show more content†¦This feeling is what makes you light up the next cigarette. Since your body is able to build up a high tolerance to nicotine, you’ll need to smoke more and more cigarettes in order to get the nicotine’s pleasurable effects and prevent withdrawal symptoms. Some say smoking should stay legal. Christopher Wanjek writes that Smoking — and, in particular, the nicotine in tobacco smoke — is an appetite suppressant. This has been known for centuries, dating back to indigenous cultures in America in the pre-Columbus era. Tobacco companies caught on by the 1920s and began targeting women with the lure that smoking would make them thinner. writes Numerous studies have identified the uncanny inverse relationship between smoking and Parkinson s disease. Long-term smokers are somehow protected against Parkinson s, and it s not because smokers die of other things earlier. While smokers might go broke buying a pack of cigarettes, they can at least save money by avoiding knee-replacement surgery. Surprising results from a new study have revealed that men who smoke had less risk of undergoing total joint replacement surgery than those who never smoked. If smoking doesn t become illegal then people will continue to get lung cancer, get other health problems,and will continue to die.If it did become illegal then people would live healthier lives,have a longer life,and it would limit the amount kids smoke. Works Cited Aspa. NicotineShow MoreRelatedSecondhand Smoking Should Be Illegal1276 Words   |  6 PagesIn our generation smoking still exists even though there are some people who quit smoking and there are some still smoke in ages, however the only problem in our society, people who smoke around youngsters called as well as secondhand smoking is a detective around children and adults. It is important that secondhand smoke shouldn’t be smoking around their own children or underage due to health. 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For example, restaurants, bars, hotels, parks, and beaches throughout the United States have established the bans against public smoking. I discovered th is has significance as itRead More America Needs a Complete Smoking Ban Essay1399 Words   |  6 Pageschildren are exposed to secondhand smoke, many develop life threatening diseases later in life as a result of that exposure. In the United States, smoking should be banned while in the presence of children. Children’s lungs are vulnerable to the effects of secondhand smoke, and this can cause serious problems down the road. Some states have already banned smoking in public and others are in the process. Secondhand smoke exposure has the possibility of causing nicotine dependence in adolescent (nicotineRead MoreShould Cigarettes Be Banned in the U.S.?1444 Words   |  6 Pagesnicotine and other hazardous chemicals to the body, cigarettes also cause a whole host of health implications to the user and the people around him or her. Aside from these health implications, cigarettes should not be banned in the U.S. because of the exaggeration of the results of secondhand smoking , the similarity of the Prohibition era, the devastation of the U.S. economy, and the freedom of one’s own actions. The two main reasons why people want cigarettes to be banned is because of the health

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